New business opportunities:
地球上最酷的水 - 格陵兰冰川水
Greenlandic glacial water is the coolest water on earth
格陵兰政府诚邀有意向的公司竞标西格陵兰岛五个地区的商业用水开采权。此开采权将带给您北半球最大的淡水水库 - 独特口感及高纯度的饮用水。仅其中的一个水源采集点每年即可获取8亿9千万升的水资源。
The Government of Greenland invites companies to tender for rights to commercial exploitation of water in five areas in West Greenland.
The licensing round concerns access to the largest freshwater reservoir in the northern hemisphere and access to drinking water of exceptional taste and purity.One of the sites alone can boast an annual water resource of 890,000 million litres.
Deadline of the tender is August 1 st 2019. However,companies will be able to wait a couple of years before commencing actual exploitation activities,hence ample time to make their final investment decision on whether to go through with the project.A unique opportunity to visit and learn more about the individual sites is expected to be offered during May 2019. Please contact isiin@nanoq.gl if you are interested in visiting the sites.
A technical report with analysis results and relevant documents (e.g. application form, the invitation letter) are available at the business portal:
https://www.businessingreenland.gl/en/Udbud/Aktuelle udbud/Invitation-til-at-soege-om-tilladelse-til-kommerciel-udnyttelse-af-Groenlands-vand-og-is
From April 17 to 19,Meet us at China International High-end Bottled Drinking Water Expo in Beijing.
上一篇:特斯拉活力泉 邀您开启黑科技健康饮水新未来
世博威国际展览公司 地址:北京市朝阳区朝阳路69号财满街1-4-904 电话:+86-10-85785007 传真:+86-10-85841055
亚洲规模较大的高端水博会| 矿泉水| 冰川水 | 天然水| 苏打水 | 泡茶水 |进口矿泉水| 海洋水| 离子水| 碱性水| 有氧水| 婴童水|富氢水|功能水机|功能水杯|功能水壶|等高端瓶装水展会服务。